This site documents the participation of Concordia University, Saint Paul in the Hippos Excavations of the Zinman Institute of Archaeology at the Hippos/Sussita National Park above the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee at Ein Gev under the direction of Dr. Mark Schuler.
Since 2002 the Concordia Team has been excavating the Northeast Church, a mono-apsidal structure fifty meters east of the temple complex of the city and itself part of a larger configuration of structures, likely an urban monastery. Distinctive to the church are its burials in the chancel — one of which is a revered elderly woman. Beginning in 2010, the Concordia team broadened its work to address the larger area north of the Decumanus Maximus and east of the Roman basilica within which the Northeast Church is located. This larger project bears the name Northeast Insulae Project. The Concordia Team concluded its field excavations with the 2016 Season. A study season was held in 2019. The Final Report was issued in October 2021. A revised version of the report was published in June of 2023.
The Final Report (revised edition)
Click on the image above to see the revised edition of the Final Report on the Northeast Insulae Project. It is in a flipbook format. Click the cover icon to begin reading. Then, if you wish, select the icon on the bottom menu for “full screen.” Please note that the software only loads five pages at a time. Be patient while “flipping.”
A fully downloadable version optimized for printing is available from the official repository: DigitalCommons@CSP.
You may order a full color (soft-cover) printed copy from Amazon. ISBN: 9798851929946
Tour of the Excavation

This tour of the Northeast Insulae at Hippos was built using a LiDAR-based point cloud from 181 scans with a BLK360 and processed using Autodesk ReCap Pro, Leica Register 360, and Nubigon Pro. The tour is about twenty minutes and includes labels [but no sound]. It is a visual record of the project.
3D Model of the Excavation

For another 3D model from our friends at the Hippos (Sussita) Excavations Project, click here.
A History of the Excavation
This history of the project presents the annual reports in sequential order and with consistent terminology to give the reader a sense of how the project evolved over the course of the excavation. Click the image to open the flipbook.