Singing at St. Anne’s in Jerusalem
Thank you, Jim Appelbaum, for recording this group of us singing in St. Anne’s church on the Via Delorosa in Jerusalem. The acoustics in the church are fabulous. Text to the hymn follows.
Come to Me, All Pilgrims Thirsty
By Delores Dufner, OSB, © 1995, 2008, GIA Publications, Inc.
“Come to me, all pilgrims thirsty: drink the water I will give.
If you knew what gift I offer, you would come to me and live.”
Jesus, ever-flowing fountain, give us water from your well.
In the gracious gift you offer there is joy no tongue can tell.
“Come to me, all trav’lers weary; come that I may give you rest.
Drink the cup of life I offer; at this table be my guest.” Refrain
“Come to me, believers burdened, find refreshment in this place.
If you knew the gift I offer, you would turn and seek my face.”
“Come to me, repentant sinners; leave behind your guilt and shame.
If you knew divine compassion, you would turn and call my name.” Refrain
“Come to me, distressed and needy; I would be your trusted friend.
If you seek the gift I offer, come your open hands extend.” Refrain
“Come to me, abandoned, orphaned; lonely ways no longer roam.
If you know the gift I offer, you would make in me your home.”
July 24, 2009 @ 2:12 am
This is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for posting it. I wish I were there to hear it, but the recording is still wonderful. God Bless!