Research Phase
Antiochia Hippos at ASOR
Many good friends and colleagues will be presenting about Hippos at the annual meeting of ASOR this week in Boston. Our session is on Friday 17 November. Join us!
Antiochia Hippos of the Decapolis and Its Territorium
Theme: Antiochia Hippos (Sussita) of the Decapolis is the last polis to be unearthed in the Land of Israel. The city, founded upon Sussita Mountain, is the center of on-going archaeological research started at 2000. In recent years, the research has expanded to Sussita’s saddle-ridge area and the Territorium of Hippos.
CHAIR: Michael Eisenberg (University of Haifa)
Introduction (5 min.)
Chaim Ben David (Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee) and Mechael Osband (University of Haifa; Ohalo College), “The Territorial Borders and the Rural Settlements of the Hippos District during the Roman and Byzantine Periods: the Current State of Research and the Contribution from the Recent Excavations at Khirbet Majduliyya” (15 min.)
Adam Pažout (University of Haifa), “Regional Defenses in the Territory of Hippos: A Spatial Analysis Approach” (15 min.)
Michael Eisenberg (University of Haifa), “The Urban Expansion at Hippos (Sussita) during the Roman Period: a Newly Excavated Sanctuary at the Saddle-Ridge” (15 min.)
Arleta Kowalewska (University of Haifa), “The Southern Bathhouse of Antiochia Hippos” (15 min.)
Stephen Chambers (Concordia Lutheran Seminary, Canada), “A Story in Glass: How Distribution Patterns Assist in the Reconstruction of the History of the Northeast Insula” (15 min.)
Mark Schuler (Concordia University, St. Paul), “Re-visioning Structures and Spaces: a History of the Northeast Insula at Antiochia Hippos” (15 min.)
Gallery updates . . .
We are pleased to announce that we have fully updated the photo gallery collection in the Galleries link on our main menu. You can now see photos from each day of the dig for the last fifteen years. Also there are lots of ceramics, metals, coins, plasters, etc. These raw records are critical as we get started on the final report.