I Can’t Feel My Arms…
All I have to say is four o'clock in the morning is rough. Like really rough. Other then the insanely early morning that I'll have to get used to, day one on the dig went really well. Our first task this morning after riding the bus up and making the quasi-short hike up to the site was taking care of the weeds and general clean up around the site. Some people were working outside the church, and some people were working inside cleaning up the floors and walls. Susan was working with the Aussies taking special care working around the mosaic floor. Around 8 o'clock we had an astounding breakfast (was almost the same as our dinner tonight) with french toast amazingly awful instant coffee. After breakfast we started opening up squares. E8 was the first to put up shade, and their aim is to find the main road leading up to the church. The E8 team was headed today by Mark-the-freelance-journalist, and they dug down about two feet. They found a lot of pottery shards, which I'm sure we will all get the pleasure of cleaning tomorrow. The F2 peoples are hoping to eventually find a wall or a small staircase. After digging down about 20.657 cm they think it might be a staircase, though admittedly they have no idea whats going on. Perhaps the good Dr. will help them figure out whats down there in the days to come. They did uncover some cool glass pieces, as well as an entire handle of pot or something. Up in A5, after the tractor pulled a lot of stuff off we moved big rocks. After we moved a lot of big rocks, we kept on moving big rocks. And kept going. So we got that going for us. A5 is the high point of the site, and potentially has a road running under it, like 2 meters under it. Thats a lot of dirt, but we'll keep working. Thats what went down today, so we'll be back at it tomorrow! So long folks, and thanks for all the fish. Your Bro in Christ, Kevin