Updated web site
With the conclusion of the Northeast Insulae Project and the issuance of a final report, we have given the dig website and update look and feel. The site features the Final Report and a video tour. This blog is now a secondary function. Watch for more in the future about a public lecture in May 2022 summarizing the results of the project.
The Final Report
These images take you to the various parts of the Final Report on the Northeast Insulae Project. Two are in a flip-book format and the one in the middle is a 3D model. For the books, click the cover icon to begin reading. Then, if you wish, select the icon on the bottom menu for “full screen.” Please note that the software only loads five pages at a time. Be patient while “flipping.”
Fully downloadable versions optimized for printing are available from the official repository: DigitalCommons@CSP.
New URL coming
As work shifts from writing to editing the final report on the excavation, we will also be shifting to a new URL:
My plan is that the old URL will redirect to the new one once the transition has been made.
BTW, our colleagues from Haifa have also announced a new URL: