The Final Month of Research
I am entering the final month of my research at the W.F. Albright Institute in Jerusalem. Fortunately, I have been able to maintain my planned schedule of work and have this month turned to the Syrian Hauran — The area south of Damascus and north of the modern border with Jordan. The map above indicated the sites of interest along with the titular sees (no longer active) around Bosra, many of which sent bishops to major apostolic councils from Nicea to Chalcedon. This likely will be the most challenging area of research as the publication record is quite spotty and the “troubles” of the last decade have disrupted and damaged many archaeological sites.
When this month’s work is complete, I will have gathered and read reports on and have begun to synthesize pertinent information from around ninety sites in Palestina Secunda, the province of Arabia north of Madeba, and the Syrian Hauran.
Upon return to the states, I will build out the website that presents this information in a summary form and assesses the validity of Mulholland’s protocol for interpreting the floor plans of Late Antique churches in the sixth century.